Friday, April 22, 2016

HEMP CLEANS WATER 2016- The Cause is Right- The Time is Now!

Samples #1 #2 #3 are initial testing sample supplied by Hemp Solutio...ns is from the Animas River after the recent Gold King Mine spill. Hemp Solutions feels that early results of their preliminary testing just might be the "Solution" it may just be a " Hemp Solution" the EPA and Animas River Clean Up, Citizen Advisory Committee may be looking for! ‪#‎EPA‬ ‪#‎CitizensAdvisoryCommittee‬ ‪#‎CleanWaterAction‬ ‪#‎CleanWater‬ ‪#‎Water‬ ‪#‎WaterPurification‬

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Hemp- A Sustainable Renewable Resource- Water Purification, Gree...

If you would like to be part of the solution, please email us at:

We can grow our future and provide green materials for water purification, energy and building materials!

Thank you for watching,

Derek Cross