Important Information For Everyone to Learn, Share, & Inform. Hemp - "It's The New, Old Way of Doing Thing's" D.C. EMAIL US:
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Hemp Seed OilHemp seed oil has been dubbed "Nature's most perfectly balanced oil", due to the fact that it contains the perfectly balanced 3:1 ratio of Omega 6 (linolei/LA) to Omega 3 (alpha-linolenic/LNA) essential fatty acids, determined to be the optimum requirement for long-term healhty human nutrition. In addition, it also contains smaller amounts of 3 other polyunsaturated fatty acids in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), oleic acid and stearidonic acid. The EFA combination is unique among edible oil seeds. (See nutritional composition.) Extensive studies have demonstrated that many common illnesses are related to deficiencies or imbalances of specific fatty acids in the body. Symptoms are often related to a lack of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids and their derivatives, the postaglandins. Most people eating a healthful diet, one that includes a balanced ratio of essential fatty acids, also have healthy skin and a strong immune system. Yet some individuals may experience shortages in specific fatty acids or their metabolites due to dysfunctional enzyme systems or other inhibitions in their metabolic pathways caused by genetic, immune-system-related, or even environmental factors. It has been proven in several clinical studies that dietary supplementation with EFAs or their metabolites (such as GLA) will often prevent or even cure these illnesses. Since hemp seed oil contains both EFAs in a desirable balance while also providing two of the EFA metabolites, it is a good resource for the prevention and treatment of certain illnesses. Hemp seed oil also provides an adequate supply of antioxidants (Vitamin E), carotene (precursor to Vitamin A), phytosterols, phospholipids and a number of minerals including calcium, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, along with modest amounts of iron and zinc. Hemp seed oil also provides a good source of chlorophyll. The daily recommended allowance of hemp seed oil is 14-28 ml (1 to 2 tablespoons). This allowance provides between 8 and 16 grams of Omega 6 (LA) and between 3 and 6 grams of Omega 3 (LNA). And lastly, unlike other Omega-rich alternatives (flax, evening primrose, borage or fish oils) that are sold mainly as a vitamin supplement, hemp seed, hemp oil and hulled hemp seed all have a flavorful "nutty" taste that will create consumer demand and can easily be added into most any recipe to obtain a balanced diet! Caution: Highly unsaturated vegetable oils such as Hemp Seed Oil are denatured by heating above 150 Degree C (300 Degree F), which can result in the production of unhealthy trans-fatty acids and increased peroxide values. Use Hemp Seed Oil as a flavor-enhancer in many recipes. Do not use as a substitute for frying oils. Keep bottles tightly sealed after opening and store in the refrigerator or freezer. Hemp CarbohydratesBenefits of consuming Hemp Seed & Oil
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Petition Letter
According to the Notre Dame University publication, The Midlands Naturalist, from a 1975 article called, "Feral Hemp in Southern Illinois," about the wild hemp fields that annual efforts from law enforcement eradication teams cannot wipe out, an acre of hemp produces:
1. 8,000 pounds of hemp seed per acre.
When cold-pressed, the 8,000 pounds of hemp seed yield over 300 gallons of hemp seed oil and a byproduct of 6,000 pounds of high protein hemp flour.
These seed oils are both a food and a biodiesel fuel. Currently, the most productive seed oil crops are soybeans, sunflower seeds and rape seed or canola. Each of these three seed oil crops produce between 100 to 120 gallons of oil per acre. Hemp seed produces three times more oil per acre than the next most productive seed oil crops, or over 300 gallons per acre, with a byproduct of 3 tons of food per acre. Hemp seed oil is also far more nutritious and beneficial for our health than any other seed oil crop.
In addition to the food and oil produced, there are several other byproducts and benefits to the cultivation of hemp.
2. Six to ten tons per acre of hemp bast fiber. Bast fiber makes canvas, rope, lace, linen, and ultra-thin specialty papers like cigarette and bible papers.
3. Twenty-five tons of hemp hurd fiber. Hemp hurd fiber makes all grades of paper, composite building materials, animal bedding and a material for the absorption of liquids and oils.
4. The deep tap root draws up sub-soil nutrients and then, when the leaves fall from the plant to the ground, they return these nutrients to the top soil for the next crop rotation.
5. The residual flowers, after the seeds are extracted, produce valuable medicines.
Our farmers need this valuable crop to be returned as an option for commercial agriculture.
While marijuana is prohibited, industrial hemp will be economically prohibitive due to the artificial regulatory burdens imposed by the prohibition of marijuana. When marijuana and cannabis are legally regulated, industrial hemp will return to its rightful place in our agricultural economy.
Hemp may be the plant that started humans down the road toward civilization with the invention of agriculture itself. All archaeologists agree that cannabis was among the first crops purposely cultivated by human beings at least over 6,000 years ago, and perhaps more than 12,000 years ago.
Restoring industrial hemp to its rightful place in agriculture today will return much control to our farmers, and away from the multinational corporations that dominate our political process and destroy our environment. These capital-intensive, non-sustainable, and environmentally destructive industries have usurped our economic resources and clear-cut huge tracts of the world's forests, given us massive oil spills, wars, toxic waste, massive worldwide pollution, global warming and the destruction of entire ecosystems.
Prohibiting the cultivation of this ancient plant, the most productive source of fiber oil and protein on our planet, is evil. In its place we have industries that give us processes and products that have led to unprecedented ecological crisis and worldwide destruction of the biological heritage that we should bequeath to our children, grandchildren and future generations.
Restore hemp!
According to the Notre Dame University publication, The Midlands Naturalist, from a 1975 article called, "Feral Hemp in Southern Illinois," about the wild hemp fields that annual efforts from law enforcement eradication teams cannot wipe out, an acre of hemp produces:
1. 8,000 pounds of hemp seed per acre.
When cold-pressed, the 8,000 pounds of hemp seed yield over 300 gallons of hemp seed oil and a byproduct of
6,000 pounds of high protein hemp flour.
These seed oils are both a food and a biodiesel fuel. Currently, the most productive seed oil crops are soybeans, sunflower seeds and rape seed or canola. Each of these three seed oil crops produce between 100 to 120 gallons of oil per acre. Hemp seed produces three times more oil per acre than the next most productive seed oil crops, or over 300 gallons per acre, with a byproduct of 3 tons of food per acre. Hemp seed oil is also far more nutritious and beneficial for our health than any other seed oil crop.
In addition to the food and oil produced, there are several other byproducts and benefits to the cultivation of hemp.
2. Six to ten tons per acre of hemp bast fiber. Bast fiber makes canvas, rope, lace, linen, and ultra-thin specialty papers like cigarette and bible papers.
3. Twenty-five tons of hemp hurd fiber. Hemp hurd fiber makes all grades of paper, composite building materials, animal bedding and a material for the absorption of liquids and oils.
4. The deep tap root draws up sub-soil nutrients and then, when the leaves fall from the plant to the ground, they return these nutrients to the top soil for the next crop rotation.
5. The residual flowers, after the seeds are extracted, produce valuable medicines.
Our farmers need this valuable crop to be returned as an option for commercial agriculture.
While marijuana is prohibited, industrial hemp will be economically prohibitive due to the artificial regulatory burdens imposed by the prohibition of marijuana. When marijuana and cannabis are legally regulated, industrial hemp will return to its rightful place in our agricultural economy.
Hemp may be the plant that started humans down the road toward civilization with the invention of agriculture itself. All archaeologists agree that cannabis was among the first crops purposely cultivated by human beings at least over 6,000 years ago, and perhaps more than 12,000 years ago.
Restoring industrial hemp to its rightful place in agriculture today will return much control to our farmers, and away from the multinational corporations that dominate our political process and destroy our environment. These capital-intensive, non-sustainable, and environmentally destructive industries have usurped our economic resources and clear-cut huge tracts of the world's forests, given us massive oil spills, wars, toxic waste, massive worldwide pollution, global warming and the destruction of entire ecosystems.
Prohibiting the cultivation of this ancient plant, the most productive source of fiber oil and protein on our planet, is evil. In its place we have industries that give us processes and products that have led to unprecedented ecological crisis and worldwide destruction of the biological heritage that we should bequeath to our children, grandchildren and future generations.
Restore hemp
Why This Is Important
Hemp is the ultimate cash crop, producing more fiber, food and oil than any other plant on the planet.According to the Notre Dame University publication, The Midlands Naturalist, from a 1975 article called, "Feral Hemp in Southern Illinois," about the wild hemp fields that annual efforts from law enforcement eradication teams cannot wipe out, an acre of hemp produces:
1. 8,000 pounds of hemp seed per acre.
When cold-pressed, the 8,000 pounds of hemp seed yield over 300 gallons of hemp seed oil and a byproduct of 6,000 pounds of high protein hemp flour.
These seed oils are both a food and a biodiesel fuel. Currently, the most productive seed oil crops are soybeans, sunflower seeds and rape seed or canola. Each of these three seed oil crops produce between 100 to 120 gallons of oil per acre. Hemp seed produces three times more oil per acre than the next most productive seed oil crops, or over 300 gallons per acre, with a byproduct of 3 tons of food per acre. Hemp seed oil is also far more nutritious and beneficial for our health than any other seed oil crop.
In addition to the food and oil produced, there are several other byproducts and benefits to the cultivation of hemp.
2. Six to ten tons per acre of hemp bast fiber. Bast fiber makes canvas, rope, lace, linen, and ultra-thin specialty papers like cigarette and bible papers.
3. Twenty-five tons of hemp hurd fiber. Hemp hurd fiber makes all grades of paper, composite building materials, animal bedding and a material for the absorption of liquids and oils.
4. The deep tap root draws up sub-soil nutrients and then, when the leaves fall from the plant to the ground, they return these nutrients to the top soil for the next crop rotation.
5. The residual flowers, after the seeds are extracted, produce valuable medicines.
Our farmers need this valuable crop to be returned as an option for commercial agriculture.
While marijuana is prohibited, industrial hemp will be economically prohibitive due to the artificial regulatory burdens imposed by the prohibition of marijuana. When marijuana and cannabis are legally regulated, industrial hemp will return to its rightful place in our agricultural economy.
Hemp may be the plant that started humans down the road toward civilization with the invention of agriculture itself. All archaeologists agree that cannabis was among the first crops purposely cultivated by human beings at least over 6,000 years ago, and perhaps more than 12,000 years ago.
Restoring industrial hemp to its rightful place in agriculture today will return much control to our farmers, and away from the multinational corporations that dominate our political process and destroy our environment. These capital-intensive, non-sustainable, and environmentally destructive industries have usurped our economic resources and clear-cut huge tracts of the world's forests, given us massive oil spills, wars, toxic waste, massive worldwide pollution, global warming and the destruction of entire ecosystems.
Prohibiting the cultivation of this ancient plant, the most productive source of fiber oil and protein on our planet, is evil. In its place we have industries that give us processes and products that have led to unprecedented ecological crisis and worldwide destruction of the biological heritage that we should bequeath to our children, grandchildren and future generations.
Restore hemp!
Why People Are Signing
- 5 months ago2people likethis reasonHenry Ford 1920 stated the cultivation of hemp would be much more productive environmentally; saving trees, utilized in fuels, and made into automobile body.
SEE Henry Ford on YOUTUBE.
VERY important: Currently USA is buying hemp products from Canada?
URGENT: USA is also buying Hemp from "Communist China."
DEA Enforces "HEMP LAWS" as a "narcotic, drug, ....less than .03% THC; other ingredients block the brain from getting "the high."
MILLION WASTED enforcing this: because of the competition with synthetic patents?
If someone plants THC Mary Jane near-it simply is germinated and turns to Industrial Hemp?
Please see my petition WE LOVE OUR COUNTRY-Everybody has to unite to save the USA, Farmers, Our Senior Citizens, Homeless, Children, Veterans.....SAVE AMERICA. PEACEFULLY. SAVE OUR FARMERS. - 6 months ago2people likethis reasonThe treatment of Native American people
by the US government shows a history of broken treaties. I don't want to believe how the Lakota Indians efforts to grow hemp to survive has been dwarted by the US government. Won't you show a little common sense and let honor the treaty and give these people a chance to survive. - 7 months ago1person likesthis reasonTime to start helping the people... Wake up!!!
- 3 months ago0person likesthis reasonIt is long-overdue to end the hypocrisy & total IDIOCY surrounding prohibition of hemp. It is far too beneficial both economically & medicinally for it to remain illegal. It makes no sense-and it is past time that our politicians do right by the citizens of this country and let the farmers grow AND allow adults to use hemp (both medicinally & recreationally). Whatever happened to the amendment that says we have the RIGHT to ingest whatever we choose as long as it does no harm to others. It's a shame that people who do not possess real knowledge about the plant only look at it as a means to "get high"- that is simply a nice side-effect- a lot less harmful than the effects of taking "legal" prescription drugs. Someone MUST be courageous enough-instead of worrying @ what it may do politically-to get this DONE. In fact, I would bet that politicians who DO get this done will be cast in a more favourable light. GET IT DONE NOW, PLEASE. Too much time has already been wasted-too many people are suffering- and our economy is failing FAST. STOP THE INSANITY-LEGALIZE HEMP.
- 5 months ago0person likesthis reasonPlease remove your head from your Anal Sphincter and get moving on this. You are Making America look like the Horses Ass of the world confusing Hemp with Marijuana, which should ALSO be legalized. The Natives were growing it and using it here before your Ancestors set foot here.
Recent Signatures
- Jay Schwartz(San Diego, CA)about 14 hours ago
- Erica DiCosmo(Boca Raton, FL)1 day ago
- Kimberly Drake(Kamuela, HI)1 day ago
- suzan stone(tacoma, WA)4 days ago
- Ariana Mora(Ames, IA)5 days ago
- Amanda Wilson(Ashcamp, KY)5 days ago
- Anetha Ratliff(Shelby Gap, KY)6 days ago
- David Prugh(Sarasota, FL)7 days ago
- A L Dylewski(Troy, MI)15 days ago
- theresa jurgus(Oak Park, IL)15 days ago
and 1,939 more...
Hemp is the ultimate cash crop, producing more fiber, food and oil than any other plant on the plane
Greetings,According to the Notre Dame University publication, The Midlands Naturalist, from a 1975 article called, "Feral Hemp in Southern Illinois," about the wild hemp fields that annual efforts from law enforcement eradication teams cannot wipe out, an acre of hemp produces:
1. 8,000 pounds of hemp seed per acre.
When cold-pressed, the 8,000 pounds of hemp seed yield over 300 gallons of hemp seed oil and a byproduct of
6,000 pounds of high protein hemp flour.
These seed oils are both a food and a biodiesel fuel. Currently, the most productive seed oil crops are soybeans, sunflower seeds and rape seed or canola. Each of these three seed oil crops produce between 100 to 120 gallons of oil per acre. Hemp seed produces three times more oil per acre than the next most productive seed oil crops, or over 300 gallons per acre, with a byproduct of 3 tons of food per acre. Hemp seed oil is also far more nutritious and beneficial for our health than any other seed oil crop.
In addition to the food and oil produced, there are several other byproducts and benefits to the cultivation of hemp.
2. Six to ten tons per acre of hemp bast fiber. Bast fiber makes canvas, rope, lace, linen, and ultra-thin specialty papers like cigarette and bible papers.
3. Twenty-five tons of hemp hurd fiber. Hemp hurd fiber makes all grades of paper, composite building materials, animal bedding and a material for the absorption of liquids and oils.
4. The deep tap root draws up sub-soil nutrients and then, when the leaves fall from the plant to the ground, they return these nutrients to the top soil for the next crop rotation.
5. The residual flowers, after the seeds are extracted, produce valuable medicines.
Our farmers need this valuable crop to be returned as an option for commercial agriculture.
While marijuana is prohibited, industrial hemp will be economically prohibitive due to the artificial regulatory burdens imposed by the prohibition of marijuana. When marijuana and cannabis are legally regulated, industrial hemp will return to its rightful place in our agricultural economy.
Hemp may be the plant that started humans down the road toward civilization with the invention of agriculture itself. All archaeologists agree that cannabis was among the first crops purposely cultivated by human beings at least over 6,000 years ago, and perhaps more than 12,000 years ago.
Restoring industrial hemp to its rightful place in agriculture today will return much control to our farmers, and away from the multinational corporations that dominate our political process and destroy our environment. These capital-intensive, non-sustainable, and environmentally destructive industries have usurped our economic resources and clear-cut huge tracts of the world's forests, given us massive oil spills, wars, toxic waste, massive worldwide pollution, global warming and the destruction of entire ecosystems.
Prohibiting the cultivation of this ancient plant, the most productive source of fiber oil and protein on our planet, is evil. In its place we have industries that give us processes and products that have led to unprecedented ecological crisis and worldwide destruction of the biological heritage that we should bequeath to our children, grandchildren and future generations.
Restore hemp
1,949out of2,500Petitioning
- The President of the United States
Why This Is Important
Hemp is the ultimate cash crop, producing more fiber, food and oil than any other plant on the planet.According to the Notre Dame University publication, The Midlands Naturalist, from a 1975 article called, "Feral Hemp in Southern Illinois," about the wild hemp fields that annual efforts from law enforcement eradication teams cannot wipe out, an acre of hemp produces:
1. 8,000 pounds of hemp seed per acre.
When cold-pressed, the 8,000 pounds of hemp seed yield over 300 gallons of hemp seed oil and a byproduct of 6,000 pounds of high protein hemp flour.
These seed oils are both a food and a biodiesel fuel. Currently, the most productive seed oil crops are soybeans, sunflower seeds and rape seed or canola. Each of these three seed oil crops produce between 100 to 120 gallons of oil per acre. Hemp seed produces three times more oil per acre than the next most productive seed oil crops, or over 300 gallons per acre, with a byproduct of 3 tons of food per acre. Hemp seed oil is also far more nutritious and beneficial for our health than any other seed oil crop.
In addition to the food and oil produced, there are several other byproducts and benefits to the cultivation of hemp.
2. Six to ten tons per acre of hemp bast fiber. Bast fiber makes canvas, rope, lace, linen, and ultra-thin specialty papers like cigarette and bible papers.
3. Twenty-five tons of hemp hurd fiber. Hemp hurd fiber makes all grades of paper, composite building materials, animal bedding and a material for the absorption of liquids and oils.
4. The deep tap root draws up sub-soil nutrients and then, when the leaves fall from the plant to the ground, they return these nutrients to the top soil for the next crop rotation.
5. The residual flowers, after the seeds are extracted, produce valuable medicines.
Our farmers need this valuable crop to be returned as an option for commercial agriculture.
While marijuana is prohibited, industrial hemp will be economically prohibitive due to the artificial regulatory burdens imposed by the prohibition of marijuana. When marijuana and cannabis are legally regulated, industrial hemp will return to its rightful place in our agricultural economy.
Hemp may be the plant that started humans down the road toward civilization with the invention of agriculture itself. All archaeologists agree that cannabis was among the first crops purposely cultivated by human beings at least over 6,000 years ago, and perhaps more than 12,000 years ago.
Restoring industrial hemp to its rightful place in agriculture today will return much control to our farmers, and away from the multinational corporations that dominate our political process and destroy our environment. These capital-intensive, non-sustainable, and environmentally destructive industries have usurped our economic resources and clear-cut huge tracts of the world's forests, given us massive oil spills, wars, toxic waste, massive worldwide pollution, global warming and the destruction of entire ecosystems.
Prohibiting the cultivation of this ancient plant, the most productive source of fiber oil and protein on our planet, is evil. In its place we have industries that give us processes and products that have led to unprecedented ecological crisis and worldwide destruction of the biological heritage that we should bequeath to our children, grandchildren and future generations.
Restore hemp!
Popularity of Wholesale Hemp Products is Growing Fast!!!
The name of this wonderful plant comes from old English. This name reunites all plants under the genus Cannabis, but usually its purpose is to designate those plants that are cultivated for industrial use, with no link whatsoever to the drug. Its industrial products are, first of all, clothing, wholesale hemp bags and other accessories of various kinds. However, its diversity doesn’t stop here: there are also craft supplies, rope, oil, paper, biodegradable plastics, fuel, extremely healthy food and many others. Wholesale hemp products are widely available, especially on the internet.
There are many places in the world where wholesale hemp products are produced and sold. They can be found virtually everywhere. However, although they’re also widely available in the United States, they’re all imported, without exception as growing hemp is illegal in the States. However, thanks to the increasing popularity of wholesale hemp bags, clothes, beauty care, foods and other such products, it’s beginning to be cultivated more and more in some areas, like in the countries of Eastern Europe, for example. Wholesale hemp products have actually become so popular that countries like Canada have had an increase in the export of this plant of 300 last year alone, and it’s still widely cultivated in places like China and not only.
The increase in the popularity of wholesale hemp products has led to the situation where the hemp biomass is among the fastest growing biomass worldwide. However, it seems that this popularity is not necessarily known, as this plant seems to be among those that have been domesticated the earliest. So it appears that the pre-historic man also had a clue about some of its benefits at least, if not all of them. Many cultures contain clues about the domestication of this plant, including the Romanian one, where poems and songs of the hemp cultivating, gathering and rudimentary processing are present since times immemorial.
Another factor has led to this soaring popularity of wholesale hemp products. There is an overall good effect on the environment, needing no pesticides unlike many other cultivated plants and this is a large advantage to begin with. Furthermore, it has a good effect on the soil out of which is grows, replenishing it with various nutrients as well as nitrogen. It also has a positive effect on the soil’s erosion and it converts carbon dioxide to oxygen at an amazing rate, considering the fact that it grows extremely quickly.
Article Source:
There are many places in the world where wholesale hemp products are produced and sold. They can be found virtually everywhere. However, although they’re also widely available in the United States, they’re all imported, without exception as growing hemp is illegal in the States. However, thanks to the increasing popularity of wholesale hemp bags, clothes, beauty care, foods and other such products, it’s beginning to be cultivated more and more in some areas, like in the countries of Eastern Europe, for example. Wholesale hemp products have actually become so popular that countries like Canada have had an increase in the export of this plant of 300 last year alone, and it’s still widely cultivated in places like China and not only.
Another factor has led to this soaring popularity of wholesale hemp products. There is an overall good effect on the environment, needing no pesticides unlike many other cultivated plants and this is a large advantage to begin with. Furthermore, it has a good effect on the soil out of which is grows, replenishing it with various nutrients as well as nitrogen. It also has a positive effect on the soil’s erosion and it converts carbon dioxide to oxygen at an amazing rate, considering the fact that it grows extremely quickly.
FACT: Hemp Is King Of All Proteins!
FACT: There’s no other single source in nature who offers a more complete type of protein, in a form which is so easily digested and absorbed, some facts to note about proteins first…
There are 2 types of protein: Fibrous (structural) proteins and globular (biologically active) proteins.
Fibrous proteins includes keratin, fibrinogen and collagen, and they are responsible for rebuilding and maintaining our skin, hair, bones, ligaments and nails.
Globular proteins are the precursors to the inner most vital chemicals and functions of our body. They are responsible for regulating our hormones, producing hemoglobin (carries oxygen and transports carbon dioxide), enzymes and for creating antibodies which fights viruses, bacteria and toxins – in other words, our immune system.
Our body is actually capable of producing these globular proteins from other proteins, it’s just much more energy effective if it doesn’t have to do the extra work.
An important aspect of hemp protein is that it is a quality source of the amino acids arginine and histidine, both of which are important for growth during childhood, and of the sulphur-containing amino acids methionine and cysteine, both of which are needed in the production of vital enzymes. Hemp protein also contains relatively high levels of the branched-chain amino acids that are crucial in the repair and growth of lean body mass, making a hemp protein shake after a workout a worthwhile investment.
FACT: Almost two-thirds of hemp protein is made up of edestin, a globulin protein found only in hemp seeds. What does that mean you ask?!
This makes hemp the superior source for this protein in the plant kingdom. Edestin is a type of plant protein that is similar to protein found in the human body, and thus is perfectly suited to aid in meeting the body’s cellular needs such as DNA repair. Since much of hemp’s protein resembles that found in human blood, hemp protein is very easily digested and assimilated. In addition, another one-third of hemp’s protein is albumin, another high quality globulin protein also found in egg whites.
When purchasing a hemp protein powder you should be looking for a brand that supplies at least 50% protein by weight, supplying 15 grams of protein per 30 gram serving.
While hemp protein powder may contain more total fat than many other protein powders available today, it should be stressed that almost all of this fat comes from the essential polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6 and omega-3. Hemp is recognized by the World Health Organization as having what is considered to be an optimal three-to-one balance of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids. It is this ratio that is believed to be ideal in promoting long-term well-being by decreasing the likelihood of developing heart disease, diabetes and depression. Importantly, the fat present in hemp is also one of the few food sources of the fatty acid known as gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). GLA is showing promise in helping the fight against chronic diseases
There are 2 types of protein: Fibrous (structural) proteins and globular (biologically active) proteins.
Fibrous proteins includes keratin, fibrinogen and collagen, and they are responsible for rebuilding and maintaining our skin, hair, bones, ligaments and nails.
Globular proteins are the precursors to the inner most vital chemicals and functions of our body. They are responsible for regulating our hormones, producing hemoglobin (carries oxygen and transports carbon dioxide), enzymes and for creating antibodies which fights viruses, bacteria and toxins – in other words, our immune system.
Our body is actually capable of producing these globular proteins from other proteins, it’s just much more energy effective if it doesn’t have to do the extra work.
FACT: Almost two-thirds of hemp protein is made up of edestin, a globulin protein found only in hemp seeds. What does that mean you ask?!
When purchasing a hemp protein powder you should be looking for a brand that supplies at least 50% protein by weight, supplying 15 grams of protein per 30 gram serving.
While hemp protein powder may contain more total fat than many other protein powders available today, it should be stressed that almost all of this fat comes from the essential polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6 and omega-3. Hemp is recognized by the World Health Organization as having what is considered to be an optimal three-to-one balance of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids. It is this ratio that is believed to be ideal in promoting long-term well-being by decreasing the likelihood of developing heart disease, diabetes and depression. Importantly, the fat present in hemp is also one of the few food sources of the fatty acid known as gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). GLA is showing promise in helping the fight against chronic diseases
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Nutritional FACTS
Typical nutritional analysis of hulled hemp seeds[22] | |
Calories/100 g | 567 kcal |
Protein | 30.6 |
Carbohydrate | 10.9 |
Dietary fiber | 6 |
Fat | 47.2 |
Saturated fat | 5.2 |
Palmitic 16:0 | 3.4 |
Stearic 18:0 | 1.5 |
Monounsaturated fat | 5.8 |
Oleic 18:1 (Omega-9) | 5.8 |
Polyunsaturated fat | 36.2 |
Linoleic 18:2 (Omega-6) | 27.6 |
Linolenic 18:3 (Omega-3) | 8.7 |
Linolenic 18:3 (Omega-6) | 0.8 |
Cholesterol | 0 mg |
Moisture | 5 |
Ash | 6.6 |
Vitamin A (B-Carotene) | 16,800IU/lb |
Thiamine (Vit B1) | 0.9 mg |
Riboflavin (Vit B2) | 1.1 mg |
Pyridoxine (Vit B6) | 0.3 mg |
Niacin (Vit B3) | 2.5 mg |
Vitamin C | 1.4 mg |
Vitamin D | 10 IU |
Vitamin E | 3 mg |
Sodium | 12 mg |
Calcium | 74 mg |
Iron | 14 mg |
Magnesium | 483 mg |
Potassium | 859 mg |
Zinc | 7 mg |
Copper | 2 mg |
Phosphorous | 1160 mg |
References: |
Submitted by NORML on May 25, 2011
By Paul Armentano
Texas Republican Ron Paul and a coalition of 25 co-sponsors are once again seeking to allow for the commercial farming of industrial hemp.
House Bill 1831, The Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2011, would exclude low potency varieties of marijuana from federal prohibition. If approved, this measure will grant state legislatures the authority to license and regulate the commercial production of hemp as an industrial and agricultural commodity.
Several states — including North Dakota, Montana, and Vermont– have enacted regulations to allow for the cultivation of hemp under state law. However, none of these laws can be implemented without federal approval. Passage of HR 1831 would remove existing federal barriers and allow states that wish to regulate commercial hemp production the authority to do so.
“We are pleased to see the re-introduction of the Industrial Hemp Farming Act in Congress. Vote Hemp is currently working with a Democratic Senator who is preparing to introduce companion legislation in the Senate in support of industrial hemp farming,” says Vote Hemp President, Eric Steenstra. “It is due time for the Senate as well as President Obama and the Attorney General to prioritize the crop’s benefits to farmers and to take action like Rep. Paul and the cosponsors of H.R. 1831 have done. With the U.S. hemp industry valued at over $400 million in annual retail sales and growing, a change in federal policy to allow hemp farming would mean instant job creation, among many other economic and environmental benefits,” adds Steenstra.
According to a 2005 Congressional Resource Service report, the United States is the only developed nation that fails to cultivate industrial hemp as an economic crop. As a result, U.S. companies that specialize in hempen goods — such as Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, Patagonia, Nature’s Path, and Nutiva — have no choice but to import hemp material. These added production costs are then passed on to the consumer who must pay artificially high retail prices for hemp products.
Previous versions of The Industrial Hemp Farming Act were introduced, but failed to receive a public hearing or a committee vote. Please write your members of Congress today and tell them to end the federal prohibition of industrial hemp production. For your convenience, a prewritten letter will be e-mailed to your member of Congress when you enter your contact information below.
For more information about industrial hemp, please visit:
Thank you for assisting NORML’s federal law reform efforts.
Texas Republican Ron Paul and a coalition of 25 co-sponsors are once again seeking to allow for the commercial farming of industrial hemp.
House Bill 1831, The Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2011, would exclude low potency varieties of marijuana from federal prohibition. If approved, this measure will grant state legislatures the authority to license and regulate the commercial production of hemp as an industrial and agricultural commodity.
Several states — including North Dakota, Montana, and Vermont– have enacted regulations to allow for the cultivation of hemp under state law. However, none of these laws can be implemented without federal approval. Passage of HR 1831 would remove existing federal barriers and allow states that wish to regulate commercial hemp production the authority to do so.
“We are pleased to see the re-introduction of the Industrial Hemp Farming Act in Congress. Vote Hemp is currently working with a Democratic Senator who is preparing to introduce companion legislation in the Senate in support of industrial hemp farming,” says Vote Hemp President, Eric Steenstra. “It is due time for the Senate as well as President Obama and the Attorney General to prioritize the crop’s benefits to farmers and to take action like Rep. Paul and the cosponsors of H.R. 1831 have done. With the U.S. hemp industry valued at over $400 million in annual retail sales and growing, a change in federal policy to allow hemp farming would mean instant job creation, among many other economic and environmental benefits,” adds Steenstra.
According to a 2005 Congressional Resource Service report, the United States is the only developed nation that fails to cultivate industrial hemp as an economic crop. As a result, U.S. companies that specialize in hempen goods — such as Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, Patagonia, Nature’s Path, and Nutiva — have no choice but to import hemp material. These added production costs are then passed on to the consumer who must pay artificially high retail prices for hemp products.
Previous versions of The Industrial Hemp Farming Act were introduced, but failed to receive a public hearing or a committee vote. Please write your members of Congress today and tell them to end the federal prohibition of industrial hemp production. For your convenience, a prewritten letter will be e-mailed to your member of Congress when you enter your contact information below.
For more information about industrial hemp, please visit:
Thank you for assisting NORML’s federal law reform efforts.
Hemp History
8000 BC - Present
Hemp is the ancient, eco-friendly fiber of the future. For over 5,000 years, hemp has been used for textiles, paper, building materials, fuel, food and personal care products. Hemp can be grown with little or no toxic chemical fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides. Today hemp is grown all over the world. The crop is used to make over 25,000 consumer products. From hemp apparel and accessories to housewares and hempseed oil cosmetics, hemp is an eco-shopper's dream.- 8000BC
- Civilization, agriculture and hemp textile industries begin in Europe and Asia.
- 3727BC
- Cannabis called a "superior" herb in the world's first medical text, Shen Nung's Pen Ts'ao, in China.
- 1500BC
- Cannabis-using Scythians sweep through Europe and Asia, settle down everywhere, and invent the scythe.
- 500BC
- Gautama Buddah survives by eating hempseed.
- 450BC
- Herodotus records Scythians and Thracians as consuming cannabis and making fine linens of hemp.
- 300BC
- Carthage and Rome struggle for political and commercial power over hemp and spice trade routes in Mediterranean.
- 100BC
- Paper made from hemp and mulberry is invented in China.
- 100AD
- Roman surgeon Dioscorides names the plant cannabis sativa and describes various medicinal uses. Pliny tells of industrial uses and writes a manual on farming hemp.
- 500AD
- First botanical drawing of hemp in Constantinopolitanus
- 600AD
- Germans, Franks, Vikings, etc. all use hemp fibre.
- 1000AD
- The English word 'hempe' first listed in a dictionary.
- 1150AD
- Moslems use hemp to start Europe's first paper mill. Most paper is made from hemp for the next 700 years.
- 1492AD
- Hempen sails, caulking and rigging ignite age of discovery and help Columbus and his ships reach America.
- 1545
- Hemp agriculture crosses the continent overland to Chile.
- 1564
- King Phillip of Spain orders hemp grown throughout his empire, from modern-day Argentina to Oregon.
- 16th-17th Century
- Dutch achieve Golden Age through hemp commerce. Explorers find 'wilde hempe' in North America.
- 1619
- Virginia colony makes hemp cultivation mandatory, followed by most other colonies. Europe pays hemp bounties.
- 1631
- Hemp used as money throughout American colonies.
- 1776
- American 'Declaration of Independence' drafted on hemp paper.
- 1791
- President Washington sets duties on hemp to encourage domestic industry; Jefferson calls hemp "a necessity", and urges farmers to grow hemp instead of tobacco.
- 1801
- Certain premiums offered to encourage the cultivation of hemp in Upper and Lower Canada.
- 1800's
- Australia survives two prolonged famines by eating virtually nothing but hemp seed for protein and hemp leaves for roughage.
- 1850's
- Petrochemical age begins. Toxic sulfite and chlorine processes make paper from trees, steamships replace sails, tropical fibres introduced.
- 1930's
- New machines invented to break hemp, process the fibre, and convert pulp or hurds into paper, plastics, etc. - Racist fears of Mexicans, Asians, and African Americans leads to outcry for cannabis to be outlawed.
- 1935
- Compressed agricultural fibreboard invented in Sweden.
- 1937
- Marijuana Tax Act forbids hemp farming in the US. -Dupont files patent for nylon.
- 1938
- Canada prohibits production of hemp under Opium And Narcotics Control Act.
- 1941
- Henry Ford makes car fabricated and fueled by hemp.
- 1943
- Hemp For Victory program urges farmers to grow hemp.
- 1955
- Hemp farming again banned.
- 1961
- The Canadian Narcotics Control Act(CNCA) allowed Cannabis to be grown, at the discretion ofthe Health Minister, for research purposes only.
- 1992
- Australia licences hemp farming.
- 1993
- England eases restriction on hemp farming. News media declare hemp clothes and cannabis leaf logo hottest new fashion.
- 1994
- Under the CNCA, one license was granted to a Canadian company, Hempline Inc., to grow hemp experimentally in Canada under the strict supervision of the authorities.
- 1996
- The Canadian federal government passed Bill C8 stating that mature hemp stalks are exemptfrom the list of controlled substances.
- 1998
- The Canadian government legalizes the commercial growth of industrial hemp.
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