Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Vote Hemp 2012 Presidential Candidate

We were unable to formally survey the presidential candidates this year about their positions on industrial hemp. However, based on their public records and/or direct feedback from their campaign offices, we have nonetheless created the Vote Hemp 2012 Voter Guide to help voters make informed decisions.

If you are not already registered to vote, please register now and be sure to VOTE HEMP this November!

Gary Johnson
Gary Johnson
Gary Johnson (Libertarian)
Supports allowing U.S. farmers to grow hemp and the development of a domestic hemp industry. Running mate Jim Gray is quoted as saying "Let's treat hemp like cotton."
[More Info]
Jill Stein
Jill Stein
Jill Stein (Green)
Supports allowing U.S. farmers to grow hemp and the development of a domestic hemp industry. From her Web site: "I want to see a thriving commercial hemp industry providing food, fiber, and other products from the hemp plant."
[More Info]
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Barack Obama (Democratic)
Voted in favor of hemp legislation twice while in the Illinois state legislature. Under his administration, however, the ONDCP Director answered our hemp petition with this one short paragraph.
[More Info]
Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney (Republican)
Here is a video showing that the candidate has no idea what industrial hemp is. Most likely does not support allowing U.S. farmers to grow hemp and the development of a domestic hemp industry.
[More Info]

If you are not already registered to vote, please register now and be sure to VOTE HEMP this November!

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