Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wisconsin For Medical Marijuana

Monday, December 12, 2011
Co-sponsorship needed for the Wisconsin Medical Marijuana Act by December 22nd (blog)
 Jay Selthofner
Marijuana is Medicine!
Medical Marijuana is not about smoking pot or getting high. Anyone, including patients can certainly continue to smoke marijuana, despite that possession of the hemp cannabis plant is illegal. Unless Wisconsin passes a compassionate use act, medical patients will continue to smoke marijuana, rather than have the choice of edibles, tinctures, salves, vaporizers, capsules and alternative forms of delivery. Unless Wisconsin passes a compassionate use law, patients will continue to turn to the black market and often become casualties in the failed war on drugs.
While healing patients, Medical Marijuana means jobs, revenue and improved health care opportunities. Marijuana is fundamentally a bipartisan issue. Referendums in 2010 passed with over 68% in River Falls and 72% in Dane County. Our district candidates, including Ballweg were on record with "support of medical marijuana".
Will Joan Ballweg co-sponsor the Wisconsin Medical Cannabis Act (LRB-2466/1)? The deadline is December 22 and I urge you to call her at 888-534-0041. As the smoke clears about marijuana use and the facts emerge, comprehensive legislation is just one voice in the legislative process away. If not Rep. Ballweg, call your legislators and ask them to co-sponsor the Wisconsin Medical Marijuana Act.
Related Links:
• Who is your legislator search engine
• Joan Ballweg
• Luther Olsen

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