Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Juicing For Health - Hemp


Hemp seeds are rich in protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins E, minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, zinc and copper. Hemp seeds are also a good source of dietary fiber.

Hemp Seed Health Benefits

  • Around 47% of hemp seed contains good fatty acids in the ideal balance of omega-3(alpha-linolenic acid) and omega-6 essential fatty acids(linoleic and gamma-linolenic acid). Hemp seeds are also a great source of monosaturated omega-9 fatty acids.

  • Hemp seed is a brilliant raw source of complete protein. Around 65% of the protein in hemp seeds consists of globular edestin which is considered the most digestible form of protein. The other 35% of protein in hemp is albumin which is also another easily digestible form of protein.

  • As has been said above hemp seeds are a rich source of essential fatty acids making them a great food for cardiovascular, mental health, skin health and much more.

  • Hemp seeds are a great source of phyto-sterols which are good for lowering cholesterol.

  • Hemp seeds aid weight loss as they help keep your appetite satisfied longer than other foods, which is down to there large protein, fiber and good fat content.

  • Potent anti-inflammatory properties making it good for conditions such as arthritis.

  • Hemp seeds may be good for lowering high blood pressure.

  • Hemp oil has been shown to relieve eczema when applied topically.

Side Effects/Precautions

Some worry about hemp seeds potential content of THC(Tetrahydrocannbinol) which is one of marijuanas active compounds. The percent of THC found in hemp seeds is so low to none that it would cause no concern.
*from the juicing forum

1 comment:

  1. your blog is amazing!Thanks for sharing this useful information.Hemp seed is a brilliant raw source of complete protein. Around 65% of the protein in hemp seeds consists of globular edestin which is considered the most digestible form of protein. The other 35% of protein in hemp is albumin which is also another easily digestible form of protein.Mary's Nutritionals
